Hello all. ^ ^; Things might be a little messed up because Blogger decided to change it's layout and I'm not giving into Google Chrome. So this may be one of the last posts, I'm not sure. I may be blogging via Flickr but if I do I'll make a post before I do so. Unfortunately KUE! is closing come May 12th, and having sales and such. You should definitely check it out before it's gone because there are some wicked adorable items.
Outfit&Necklace - Lilac Macaron Bunnies - KUE! - L$100
Macaron Float - Hovering Almond Macaron - KUE! - L$0 (Free Gacha)
Headphones - macaron wireless headphone - noju - N/A (Store Closed)
Hat - pink macaron Hat - Dimbula Rose - N/A (Old Event Gift)
Hair - Beth (Modded) - Zero Style - L$150