I think I missed blogging. It's been a couple years or so now? But I keep trying to put together outfits and stuff so maybe every now and then I'll just do my own blogging and if I can figure it out - maybe go back to applying again? I don't know. X3; It's been kinda tough doing the RL mommy thing, which can easily be a full time job for me. So, I love Junk Food and have so much of their stuff in their inventory; you wouldn't believe it. She's one of my fave creators and one of my fave people to blog for before! Then I also discovered a beautiful flash back sim, that I credit, and it's so freakin' just fun to be in! Andddd speaking of flashback, I forgot how much I love Rotten Toe and decided to do the BOM thing and wear older clothes on a mesh body - soooo combine that all together and I put together this look! I love it! Hope you love it! Hope people push me to come back to blogging normally too hahaha. XD
Dress & Hairbow - !RT!:.:FastFood Lolita Dress:.
Hair - *PH-PL* DOKIDOKI // lolita hair *gacha*
Glasses - VCO - Love baby Glasses / Broken *gacha*
Bow Collar - Bare Rose - Burger Girl Red Collar
Fast Food Tray - Junk Food - Fast Food Tray
Shoes - Bare Rose - White Liita (tinted red)
Ketchup Mouth Packet - VCO _ Bigberger ( tomato ketchup ) *gacha*
French Fry Thoughts - {Fawn Kisses} Fast Food Thought Bubbles Fries *gacha*
Pose - [Cute Posing] Sailor Moon
Background/Location - Palm Plaza Retro Mall