This is a really personal post that's near and dear to my heart since I am very much furry. Lately in SL there's been these crazy copybot scares going on. Everywhere I turn I see No Mod on hair and almost everything I want to buy now. I know creators are trying to protect themselves and maybe furries are only a small portion of people they sell to but goddam. It's getting crazy, I don't know where I can buy hair almost anymore and I can mod it to the color I like or size to fit my furry head or even attach it to my head to save on prim room.
I know almost no one reads this blog or whatever but I wish creators wouldn't forget that maybe a couple furry customers may be interested in your stuff but without modding you're probably not going to have us come back. The funny thing is - is that creators think that doing this protects their stuff when there have been ways proven to get around it. I wouldn't dare copybot even if someone payed me to, but I hope creators realize this...I'm tired of seeing these signs that say NO MOD and all I read it as is NO FURRY.