Soooo now that Phoenix has mesh enabled, I can happily use mesh. ^^ Could use it before on cool viewer but I really missed the My Outfits folder. But now no more worries hopefully! So therefore this lead me to splurge on that soooooo pretty hair from Wasabi Pills and I'll be lucky if I can ever take it off again. BTW for those that use anime or furry heads - remember mesh is fitted to your basic human avatar so it's not easy to just plop on and adjust. What you need to do is almost (depending on your head) maximize the avatars head size and then wear some alpha to hide that and bam you should be able, with some tweaking, to wear the hair. Other than that, this upcoming Friday is the Xmas EGL BareRose event that I will be DJing at. This is most of the outfit; it also comes with a cape but I didn't feel like wearing it teehee. Hope you enjoy the look. ^^
Outfit - Simofurie Blue - BareRose - Free (BareRose EGL Party Gift)
Necklace - King heart necklace(Peacock) - Ginza Jewelry Kohime - Free(Lucky Board)
Winter Breath - Cold Breath - Endless Dreams - Free (Gift from Hina)
Hair - Sachiko Mesh White (Modded) - Wasabi Pills - L$250